Make way for Samhain, the Celtic winter quarter. Strive to resolve for peace in your life, so that others may follow your example.
Litany for Peace
We have prayed for peace,
Unknowing of what we truly ask.
Peace cannot come into the house
Where love is unwelcome.
Peace cannot come into the land
Where injustice and oppression live.
Peace cannot enter or be fostered
In souls that will engage in dispute.
Peace does not come meekly and unarmed.
Peace needs the pathway of our will to change.
Peace will not come to the troubled world
Unless we first invite it under our own roof.
Peace, I am disarming myself of the need to be right,
Peace, I am disclaiming my need to feel superior,
Peace, I am dissolving my contract with fear.
Peace, I am removing my armor of anger,
Peace, I am dismantling my anxious illusions,
Peace, I am ringing down the curtain on my theater of war,
Peace, I am undoing the locks and bolts.
O sevenfold Peace, it is I who has kept you out:
Come in and welcome!
from Celtic Devotional by Caitlin Matthews
Welcome the revival of Peace in all our hearts with gratitude.
Only joy from the Diva,